Organic Sage

Organic Sage started the organic business in India and has become a trusted and innovative leader in providing authentic organic products to Indian consumers by creating a holistic, integrated, and sustainable business model that inspires, promotes, and helps thousands of farming families.
Organic Sage is known for putting on great shows, making good products, and being reliable for a long time. Organic Sage has traveled far to establish itself as India's leading organic company. Our success is a direct result of how committed we are to farming, making, packaging, and selling organic products.

Organicsage - India's Leading Organic Farming Brand

As one of the top organic food brands in India, we are dedicated to providing the best organic food possible. We were founded on the ideas of taking care of people, putting the farm's needs first, and keeping things clean. We also believe in the principles of Mother Earth and Divine Nature, which make it possible for humans to survive and flourish in communities.
We really want to support the global organic and sustainable movement, so we've changed the way we do things to reflect that. We make sure that our methods help our farmers and give them the help they need to grow nutrient-rich organic food varieties, use cutting-edge technology, make organic fertilizers, and get other financial and non-financial benefits.

Mr. Rahulbhai Mangalbhai Kachhad

Founder Director and CEO

The Leader Behind an Admirable Company

I studied B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture in 2014 for years, but I was never able to persuade myself to pursue the same career path. I had to relearn farming by doing organic farming for the past eight years and working directly with over 50,000+ small and poor farming families in India who use ancestral knowledge to grow hundreds of crops.
Two decades ago, in India, the concept of organic agriculture seemed bizarre. Self-sufficiency in food grains to feed a billion mouths every day was a national priority for a country with a population of over one billion and a high birth rate. India was able to reach its goals, but the country's fast economic growth led to many chemical abuses that hurt the soil, ecology, and environment. Toxic cocktails and chemicals that cause cancer slowly made their way into the food chain.
Organic Farming Certification In India
Organic farming is gaining popularity in India for a variety of reasons. First, it is practiced in areas by farmers as a traditional way of life because farming inputs are very low or because they cannot afford high-input farming. Second, it's being used by farmers who know the bad things about traditional farming and have had low returns on their investments. Farmers who have analyzed the emerging market trend and premiums associated with organic products have also considered this farming technique. The third group of farmers is certified and garners market interest. while the remaining two lack certification.
Organic Farming Certification
Since 2003–2004, the area under organic farming has increased by a factor of 29. The country has created a certification process that is known around the world to make sure the quality of organic food that is exported, imported, or used in the country. The National Program for Organic Production (NPOP) outlines the regulatory framework for NPOP. It has created separate acts for export and domestic use. The National Program on Organic Production is told about the export quality specifications (FTDR) by the Foreign Trade Development and Regulation Act. So, an organic product that has been certified by an agency in India can now be sent to Europe, Sweden, and the U.S. without needing extra certification. The Agriculture Produce Grading, Marking, and Certification Act notifies the NPOP to examine the requirements for domestic use (APGMCA). There are 20 accredited certification agencies in India. 16 of them are run by the private sector, and 4 are run by the public sector.
